Friday, September 12, 2014

Welcome and the Long Walk

Welcome back to the start of the school year.
The last two weeks seems almost surreal. New boarders arrived the day after Labour Day - the same day as all faculty (new teachers and those in leadership roles came in a week before). Between new student orientation, first assembly, parent orientation, athletics tryouts, parent grade parties, tie ceremonies – not to mention classes – students, their families, and faculty are riding a giant, speeding roller coaster of emotion. Katrina Samson (our Head of School) and I see that especially in the tie ceremonies where every new student processes up one-by-one in chapel in front of the grade band to receive their Appleby tie, shake our hands, and have a photo taken with us.
The John Bell Chapel is the place at Appleby that gives off the most Hogwarts-like feel with its gothic architecture, stained glass, and the constant whisper of history. I know that the process is intimidating for some of the kids – you can see that in their gaits (quite the variety!) and many very serious looks. It’s almost always uncomfortable being the centre of attention in your peer group, especially for teenagers. When they finally arrive at the front of the chapel (I’m sure the students who are seated at the back feel that they have walked a marathon by the time they arrive), Katrina and I encourage them to take a moment and smile. Every year, there are a few outliers (usually senior schoolers) who embrace Katrina and I for the photo like we are long-lost buds. I suspect that chutzpah will serve them well in life. And by the time they arrive back in their seats, they have completed what is probably the most difficult part of week 1.
Everyone feels like this first week of school has actually lasted for more like two or three. It’s probably in part because last week was a ‘short week’ with the long weekend, in part because of the emotional roller coaster, and in large part because the returning the back to back classes that last a day after two months of camp or relaxing or cottage or a job takes remarkable mental focus – it is exhausting. A teacher just pointed out another reason: after spending the summer in flip flops, walking five full days in heels takes a physical toll. I’ll trust her on that one.
Welcome back to everyone. There is a wonderful, positive energy on campus. I look forward to a great year with one of the first highlights being Homecoming on September 26/27. See you there.

PS Here's a cartoon shared by my colleague Calvin Armstrong that has a different take on start of school

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