Friday, October 4, 2013

Questions About Our Future

In the upcoming issue of Appleby This Week (the weekly e-newsletter for parents,) I make the following comments about our longer term strategy development process as well as three specific foci for this year. A similar note will be circulated to alumni and friends a bit later. I thought that I would give you, my blog readers, an early taste of some of our exciting plans for the year ...

Heading off to the Round Square International Conference, I look back with pride on what I have seen of our students over the last couple of weeks during two trips to Temagami, a well-attended, if somewhat wet, Homecoming, a series of successful sports fixtures, great chapel addresses, and having helped celebrate academic success at Optimates dinners. As I look back at these events, I am reminded that quality in schools is a function of great people and a deliberate, thoughtful commitment to improvement. Appleby has become well known nationally for innovation and program quality, and we plan to build upon that tradition as we undertake a series of initiatives this year.

Later this academic year, we will be outlining a process for developing the next strategic plan for Appleby. We will take our time to do this well, and the process will include significant consultation with the community. As well, later this year, we will be undertaking a number of constituency surveys to understand the views of the Appleby community, and how well we are meeting expectations of the key stakeholder groups.

While we develop the longer term roadmap for our future, we will also be looking at three specific areas starting this year: athletics, spirituality, mental health and wellness.

Athletics is a key component of the Appleby experience as it develops physical fitness, athletic skills, school pride, teamwork and a sense of fair play. A comprehensive review of the program and breadth of activities offered is being launched. As part of the review, a survey will be distributed to Appleby parents and a series of community consultations will also be held in the coming weeks. Marg Hagey, Assistant Head of School – Co-Curriculars, will be leading this review.

As many of you know, Reverend Canon Robert Lennox has announced his retirement at the end of this school year after 25 years of valued service as Appleby’s Chaplain. In preparation for the search to find Canon Lennox’s successor, and in order to ensure that we are clear about what we are looking for in this important role, we will be reviewing our approach to the moral and spiritual formation of our students and the role of the chapel program in community life at Appleby. Tom Karcz, Assistant Head – Community Life, will be leading this review.  

Finally, there is an emerging and improved understanding in the education sector and society more broadly of the importance of mental, emotional, social and psychological well-being of young people. (You may have seen some of my posts on this subject in my blog.) While we already do much in this area, later in 2013/14, we will start a dialogue about this subject and how we can best support students in ways that address specific needs, as well promoting happiness, resiliency and coping skills. Tom Karcz will also be leading this process.

Additional details regarding these reviews will be shared in future issues of Appleby This Week. We will also be soliciting feedback and input from the Appleby community in the weeks and months ahead and I strongly encourage and welcome your participation.

Thank you for your support.

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