Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Year End Vids

Well ... the school year has ended.

For many students, classes, games, exams and performances seem like a distant memory as the warmth of summer, the excitement of camp or the cottage, the grind of summer jobs, or the freedom of time has quickly taken the largest share of mind.

For faculty, I suspect this also the case. For non-faculty employees, however, this can be a hectic time. Between facility developments, summer camps, our ESL summer program, the summer academy, and conferences, I suspect that we will have well in excess of 5,000 people on the campus.

As I look back on the last month, there was a huge range of events and activities. From performances, to year-end dinners, to the grad prom, to exams, to chapel services, to colours presentations, to Closing Ceremonies, June was huge and fast.

The last all-school Assembly was held a month ago. It was a happy occasion to wrap up a terrific year and have the Prefects say thanks to the student body.

I thought I would share a couple of videos that were shown that morning. The first is a video of Appleby's Cantus Choir singing as the feature group on-stage at Carnegie Hall. Their selection was impressive recognition of the calibre of these singers and of the music program at Appleby. Listen to the soundtrack to get an idea how great they are.

The second was a light-hearted melange of graduating students providing advice from their current selves to themselves of one year ago (and by extension, to the Grade 11 students about to start their last year.) While it is a bit rough, the video captures the joy and happiness of the leaving class. They are a class act. (PS Look for various faculty members showing off their dance moves later in the video.)

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